Package 'bootf2'

Title: Simulation and Comparison of Dissolution Profiles
Description: Compare dissolution profiles with confidence interval of similarity factor f2 using bootstrap methodology as described in the literature, such as Efron and Tibshirani (1993, ISBN:9780412042317), Davison and Hinkley (1997, ISBN:9780521573917), and Shah et al. (1998) <doi:10.1023/A:1011976615750>. The package can also be used to simulate dissolution profiles based on mathematical modelling and multivariate normal distribution.
Authors: Zhengguo Xu [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Zhengguo Xu <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>=3)
Version: 0.4.2
Built: 2025-03-10 04:19:32 UTC

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Estimate 90% Confidence Intervals of f2f_2 with Bootstrap Methodology


Main function to estimate 90% confidence intervals of f2f_2 using bootstrap methodology.


bootf2(test, ref,,, path.out, file.out, = 10000L, seed = 306L, digits = 2L, alpha = 0.05,
       regulation = c("EMA", "FDA", "WHO","Canada", "ANVISA"),
       min.points = 1L, both.TR.85 = FALSE, = TRUE, = c("concise", "intermediate", "detailed"),
       f2.type = c("all", "est.f2", "exp.f2", "bc.f2",
                   "vc.exp.f2", "vc.bc.f2"),
       ci.type = c("all", "normal", "basic", "percentile",
                   "bca.jackknife", "bca.boot"),
       quantile.type = c("all", as.character(1:9), "boot"),
       jackknife.type = c("all", "nt+nr", "nt*nr", "nt=nr"),
       time.unit = c("min", "h"), = FALSE, = FALSE)


test, ref

Data frames of dissolution profiles of test and reference product if and are not specified; otherwise, they should be character strings indicating the worksheet names of the Excel file where the dissolution data is saved. See Input/Output in Details.,, path.out, file.out

Character strings of input and output directories and file names. See Input/Output in Details.

An integer indicating the number of bootstrap samples.


Integer seed value for reproducibility. If missing, a random seed will be generated for reproducibility purpose.


An integer indicating the decimal points for the output.


A numeric value between 0 and 1 to estimate (12×α)×100(1-2\times \alpha)\times 100 confidence interval.


Character strings indicating regulatory guidelines. @seealso calcf2() for details on regulation rules.


An integer indicating the minimum time points to be used to calculate f2f_2. For conventional f2f_2 calculation, the default is 3, however, for bootstrap f2f_2, the value should be lower as there might be less time points available in certain bootstrap samples. The default is 1. @seealso calcf2().


Logical. If TRUE, and if regulation = "FDA", all measurements up to the time points at which both test and reference products dissolve more than 85% will be used to calculate f2f_2. This is the conventional, but incorrect, interpretation of the US FDA rule. Therefore, the argument should only be set to TRUE for validation purpose such as comparing the results from old literature that use the wrong interpretation to calculate f2f_2. @seealso calcf2() for details on regulation rules.

Logical. If TRUE, a plain text report will be produced. See Input/Output in Details.

"concise" style produces the estimators and their confidence intervals; "intermediate" style adds a list of individual f2f_2s for all bootstrap samples in the end of "concise" report; "detailed" style further adds individual bootstrap samples along with their f2f_2s in the end of "intermediate" report. See Input/Output in Details.


Character strings indicating which type of f2f_2 estimator should be calculated. See Types of estimators in Details.


Character strings indicating which type of confidence interval should be estimated. See Types of confidence intervals in Details.


Character strings indicating the type of percentile.


Character strings indicating the type of jackknife method. See Details.


Character strings indicating the unit of time. It should be either "min" for minute or "h" for hour. It is mainly used for checking CV rules and making plot. @seealso calcf2().

Logical. If TRUE, a "concise" style summary report will be printed on screen. See Input/Output in Details.

Logical. If TRUE, all individual bootstrap data sets will be included in the output.


Minimum required arguments that must be provided by the user

Arguments test and ref must be provided by the user. They should be R ⁠data frames⁠, with time as the first column, and all individual profiles profiles as the rest columns. The actual names of the columns do not matter since they will be renamed internally.


The dissolution data of test and reference product can either be provided as data frames for test and ref, as explained above, or be read from an Excel file with data of test and reference stored in separate worksheets. In the latter case, the argument, the directory where the Excel file is, and, the name of the Excel file including the file extension .xls or .xlsx, must be provided. In such case, the argument test and ref must be the names of the worksheets in quotation marks. The first column of each Excel worksheet must be time, and the rest columns are individual dissolution profiles. The first row should be column names, such as time, unit01, unit02, ... The actual names of the columns do not matter as they will be renamed internally.

Arguments path.out and file.out are the names of the output directory and file. If they are not provided, but argument is TRUE, then a plain text report will be generated automatically in the current working directory with file name test_vs_ref_TZ_YYYY-MM-DD_HHMMSS.txt, where test and ref are data set names of test and reference, TZ is the time zone such as CEST, YYYY-MM-DD is the numeric date format and HHMMSS is the numeric time format for hour, minute, and second.

For a quick check, set argument = TRUE, a summary report very similar to concise style report will be printed on screen.

Types of Estimators

According to Shah et al, the population f2f_2 for the inference is

f2=10025log(1+1Pi=1P(μT,iμR,i)2),f_2 = 100-25\log\left(1 + \frac{1}{P}\sum_{i=1}^P% \left(\mu_{\mathrm{T},i} - \mu_{\mathrm{R},i}\right)^2 \right)\,,

where PP is the number of time points; μT,i\mu_{\mathrm{T},i} and μR,i\mu_{\mathrm{R},i} are population mean of test and reference product at time point ii, respectively; i=1P\sum_{i=1}^P is the summation from i=1i = 1 to PP.

Five estimators for f2f_2 are included in the function:

  1. The estimated f2f_2, denoted by f^2\hat{f}_2, is the one written in various regulatory guidelines. It is expressed differently, but mathematically equivalently, as

    f^2=10025log(1+1Pi=1P(XˉT,iXˉR,i)2),\hat{f}_2 = 100-25\log\left(1 + \frac{1}{P}\sum_{i=1}^P\left(% \bar{X}_{\mathrm{T},i} - \bar{X}_{\mathrm{R},i}\right)^2 \right)\:,

    where PP is the number of time points; XˉT,i\bar{X}_{\mathrm{T},i} and XˉR,i\bar{X}_{\mathrm{R},i} are mean dissolution data at the iith time point of random samples chosen from the test and the reference population, respectively. Compared to the equation of population f2f_2 above, the only difference is that in the equation of f^2\hat{f}_2 the sample means of dissolution profiles replace the population means for the approximation. In other words, a point estimate is used for the statistical inference in practice.

  2. The Bias-corrected f2f_2, denoted by f^2,bc\hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{bc}}, was described in the article of Shah et al, as

    f^2,bc=10025log(1+1P(i=1P(XˉT,iXˉR,i)21ni=1P(ST,i2+SR,i2))),\hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{bc}} = 100-25\log\left(1 + \frac{1}{P}% \left(\sum_{i=1}^P\left(\bar{X}_{\mathrm{T},i} - % \bar{X}_{\mathrm{R},i}\right)^2 - \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^P% \left(S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2 + S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2\right)\right)\right)\,,

    where ST,i2S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2 and SR,i2S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2 are unbiased estimates of variance at the iith time points of random samples chosen from test and reference population, respectively; and nn is the sample size.

  3. The variance- and bias-corrected f2f_2, denoted by f^2,vcbc\hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{vcbc}}, does not assume equal weight of variance as f^2,bc\hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{bc}} does.

    f^2,vcbc=10025log(1+1P(i=1P(XˉT,iXˉR,i)21ni=1P(wT,iST,i2+wR,iSR,i2))),\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{vcbc}} = 100-25\log\left(1 +% \frac{1}{P}\left(\sum_{i=1}^P \left(\bar{X}_{\mathrm{T},i} -% \bar{X}_{\mathrm{R},i}\right)^2 - \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^P% \left(w_{\mathrm{T},i}\cdot S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2 +% w_{\mathrm{R},i}\cdot S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2\right)\right)\right)\,,

    where wT,iw_{\mathrm{T},i} and wR,iw_{\mathrm{R},i} are weighting factors for variance of test and reference products, respectively, which can be calculated as follows:

    wT,i=0.5+ST,i2ST,i2+SR,i2,w_{\mathrm{T},i} = 0.5 + \frac{S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2}% {S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2 + S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2}\,,


    wR,i=0.5+SR,i2ST,i2+SR,i2.w_{\mathrm{R},i} = 0.5 + \frac{S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2}% {S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2 + S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2}\,.

  4. The expected f2f_2, denoted by f^2,exp\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{exp}}, is calculated based on the mathematical expectation of estimated f2f_2,

    f^2,exp=10025log(1+1P(i=1P(XˉT,iXˉR,i)2+1ni=1P(ST,i2+SR,i2))),\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{exp}} = 100-25\log\left(1 + \frac{1}{P}% \left(\sum_{i=1}^P\left(\bar{X}_{\mathrm{T},i} - % \bar{X}_{\mathrm{R},i}\right)^2 + \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^P% \left(S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2 + S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2\right)\right)\right)\,,

    using mean dissolution profiles and variance from samples for the approximation of population values.

  5. The variance-corrected expected f2f_2, denoted by f^2,vcexp\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{vcexp}}, is calculated as

    f^2,vcexp=10025log(1+1P(i=1P(XˉT,iXˉR,i)2+1ni=1P(wT,iST,i2+wR,iSR,i2))).\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{vcexp}} = 100-25\log\left(1 +% \frac{1}{P}\left(\sum_{i=1}^P \left(\bar{X}_{\mathrm{T},i} -% \bar{X}_{\mathrm{R},i}\right)^2 + \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^P% \left(w_{\mathrm{T},i}\cdot S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2 +% w_{\mathrm{R},i}\cdot S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2\right)\right)\right)\,.

Types of Confidence Interval

The following confidence intervals are included:

  1. The Normal interval with bias correction, denoted by normal in the function, is estimated according to Davison and Hinkley,

    f^2,L,U=f^2,SEBVBZ1α,\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{L,U}} = \hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{S}} - E_B \mp % \sqrt{V_B}\cdot Z_{1-\alpha}\,,

    where f^2,L,U\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{L,U}} are the lower and upper limit of the confidence interval estimated from bootstrap samples; f^2,S\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{S}} denotes the estimators described above; Z1αZ_{1-\alpha} represents the inverse of standard normal cumulative distribution function with type I error α\alpha; EBE_B and VBV_B are the resampling estimates of bias and variance calculated as

    EB=1Bb=1Bf^2,bf^2,S=fˉ2f^2,S,E_B = \frac{1}{B}\sum_{b=1}^{B}\hat{f}_{2,b}^\star - % \hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{S}} = \bar{f}_2^\star - \hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{S}}\,,


    VB=1B1b=1B(f^2,bfˉ2)2,V_B = \frac{1}{B-1}\sum_{b=1}^{B} \left(\hat{f}_{2,b}^\star -\bar{f}_2^\star\right)^2\,,

    where BB is the number of bootstrap samples; f^2,b\hat{f}_{2,b}^\star is the f2f_2 estimate with bbth bootstrap sample, and fˉ2\bar{f}_2^\star is the mean value.

  2. The basic interval, denoted by basic in the function, is estimated according to Davison and Hinkley,

    f^2,L=2f^2,Sf^2,(B+1)(1α),\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{L}} = 2\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{S}} -% \hat{f}_{2,(B+1)(1-\alpha)}^\star\,,


    f^2,U=2f^2,Sf^2,(B+1)α,\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{U}} = 2\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{S}} -% \hat{f}_{2,(B+1)\alpha}^\star\,,

    where f^2,(B+1)α\hat{f}_{2,(B+1)\alpha}^\star and f^2,(B+1)(1α)\hat{f}_{2,(B+1)(1-\alpha)}^\star are the (B+1)α(B+1)\alphath and (B+1)(1α)(B+1)(1-\alpha)th ordered resampling estimates of f2f_2, respectively. When (B+1)α(B+1)\alpha is not an integer, the following equation is used for interpolation,

    f^2,(B+1)α=f^2,k+Φ1(α)Φ1(kB+1)Φ1(k+1B+1)Φ1(kB+1)(f^2,k+1f^2,k),\hat{f}_{2,(B+1)\alpha}^\star = \hat{f}_{2,k}^\star + % \frac{\Phi^{-1}\left(\alpha\right)-\Phi^{-1}\left(\frac{k}{B+1}\right)}% {\Phi^{-1}\left(\frac{k+1}{B+1}\right)-\Phi^{-1}% \left(\frac{k}{B+1}\right)}\left(\hat{f}_{2,k+1}^\star-% \hat{f}_{2,k}^\star\right),

    where kk is the integer part of (B+1)α(B+1)\alpha, f^2,k+1\hat{f}_{2,k+1}^\star and f^2,k\hat{f}_{2,k}^\star are the (k+1)(k+1)th and the kkth ordered resampling estimates of f2f_2, respectively.

  3. The percentile intervals, denoted by percentile in the function, are estimated using nine different types of quantiles, Type 1 to Type 9, as summarized in Hyndman and Fan's article and implemented in R's quantile function. Using R's boot package, program bootf2BCA outputs a percentile interval using the equation above for interpolation. To be able to compare the results among different programs, the same interval, denoted by Percentile (boot) in the function, is also included in the function.

  4. The bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) intervals are estimated according to Efron and Tibshirani,

    f^2,L=f^2,α1,\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{L}} = \hat{f}_{2, \alpha_1}^\star\,,

    f^2,U=f^2,α2,\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{U}} = \hat{f}_{2, \alpha_2}^\star\,,

    where f^2,α1\hat{f}_{2, \alpha_1}^\star and f^2,α2\hat{f}_{2, \alpha_2}^\star are the 100α1100\alpha_1th and the 100α2100\alpha_2th percentile of the resampling estimates of f2f_2, respectively. Type I errors α1\alpha_1 and α2\alpha_2 are obtained as

    α1=Φ(z^0+z^0+z^α1a^(z^0+z^α)),\alpha_1 = \Phi\left(\hat{z}_0 + \frac{\hat{z}_0 + \hat{z}_\alpha}% {1-\hat{a}\left(\hat{z}_0 + \hat{z}_\alpha\right)}\right),


    α2=Φ(z^0+z^0+z^1α1a^(z^0+z^1α)),\alpha_2 = \Phi\left(\hat{z}_0 + \frac{\hat{z}_0 + % \hat{z}_{1-\alpha}}{1-\hat{a}\left(\hat{z}_0 + % \hat{z}_{1-\alpha}\right)}\right),

    where z^0\hat{z}_0 and a^\hat{a} are called bias-correction and acceleration, respectively.

    There are different methods to estimate z^0\hat{z}_0 and a^\hat{a}. Shah et al. used jackknife technique, denoted by bca.jackknife in the function,

    z^0=Φ1(N{f^2,b<f^2,S}B),\hat{z}_0 = \Phi^{-1}\left(\frac{N\left\{\hat{f}_{2,b}^\star <% \hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{S}} \right\}}{B}\right),


    a^=i=1n(f^2,mf^2,i)36(i=1n(f^2,mf^2,i)2)3/2,\hat{a} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(\hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{m}} -% \hat{f}_{2, i}\right)^3}{6\left(\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(% \hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{m}} - \hat{f}_{2, i}\right)^2\right)^{3/2}}\,,

    where N{}N\left\{\cdot\right\} denotes the number of element in the set, f^2,i\hat{f}_{2, i} is the iith jackknife statistic, f^2,m\hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{m}} is the mean of the jackknife statistics, and \sum is the summation from 1 to sample size nn.

    Program bootf2BCA gives a slightly different BCa interval with R's boot package. This approach, denoted by bca.boot in the function, is also implemented in the function for estimating the interval.

Notes on the argument jackknife.type

For any sample with size nn, the jackknife estimator is obtained by estimating the parameter for each subsample omitting the iith observation. However, when two samples (e.g., test and reference) are involved, there are several possible ways to do it. Assuming sample size of test and reference are nTn_\mathrm{T} and nRn_\mathrm{R}, the following three possibility are considered:

  • Estimated by removing one observation from both test and reference samples. In this case, the prerequisite is nT=nRn_\mathrm{T} = n_\mathrm{R}, denoted by nt=nr in the function. So if there are 12 units in test and reference data sets, there will be 12 jackknife estimators.

  • Estimate the jackknife for test sample while keeping the reference data unchanged; and then estimate jackknife for reference sample while keeping the test sample unchanged. This is denoted by nt+nr in the function. This is the default method. So if there are 12 units in test and reference data sets, there will be 12+12=2412 + 12 = 24 jackknife estimators.

  • For each observation deleted from test sample, estimate jackknife for reference sample. This is denoted by nt*nr in the function. So if there are 12 units in test and reference data sets, there will be 12×12=14412 \times 12 = 144 jackknife estimators.


A list of 3 or 5 components.

  • A data frame of bootstrap f2f_2 confidence intervals.

  • boot.f2: A data frame of all individual f2f_2 values for all bootstrap data set.

  • A data frame with detailed information of bootstrap for reproducibility purpose, such as all arguments used in the function, time points used for calculation of f2f_2, and the number of NAs.

  • boot.summary: A data frame with descriptive statistics of the bootstrap f2f_2.

  • boot.t and boot.r: Lists of individual bootstrap samples for test and reference product if = TRUE.


Shah, V. P.; Tsong, Y.; Sathe, P.; Liu, J.-P. In Vitro Dissolution Profile Comparison—Statistics and Analysis of the Similarity Factor, f2f_2. Pharmaceutical Research 1998, 15 (6), 889–896. DOI: 10.1023/A:1011976615750.

Davison, A. C.; Hinkley, D. V. Bootstrap Methods and Their Application. Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Hyndman, R. J.; Fan, Y. Sample Quantiles in Statistical Packages. The American Statistician 1996, 50 (4), 361–365. DOI: /10.1080/00031305.1996.10473566.

Efron, B.; Tibshirani, R. An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman & Hall, 1993.


# time points
tp <- c(5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60)
# model.par for reference with low variability
par.r <- list(fmax = 100, = 3, mdt = 15, = 14,
              tlag = 0, = 0, beta = 1.5, = 8)
# simulate reference data
dr <- sim.dp(tp, model.par = par.r, seed = 100, plot = FALSE)
# model.par for test
par.t <- list(fmax = 100, = 3, mdt = 12.29, = 12,
              tlag = 0, = 0, beta = 1.727, = 9)
# simulate test data with low variability
dt <- sim.dp(tp, model.par = par.t, seed = 100, plot = FALSE)

# bootstrap. to reduce test run time, of 100 was used in the example.
# In practice, it is recommended to use of 5000--10000.
# Set ` = TRUE` to view the result on screen
d <- bootf2(dt$sim.disso, dr$sim.disso, = 100, = FALSE)

Calculate Similarity Factor f2f_2


Main function to calculate f2f_2 according to different regulatory guidelines.


calcf2(test, ref,,, path.out, file.out,
       regulation = c("EMA", "FDA", "WHO", "Canada", "ANVISA"),
       cv.rule = TRUE, message = FALSE, min.points = 3L,
       f2.type = c("est.f2", "exp.f2", "bc.f2", "vc.exp.f2",
                   "vc.bc.f2", "all"), both.TR.85 = FALSE,
       digits = 2L, time.unit = c("min", "h"),  plot = TRUE,
       plot.start.time = 0, plot.max.unit = 24L)


test, ref

Data frames of dissolution profiles of test and reference product if and are not specified; otherwise, they should be character strings indicating the worksheet names of the Excel file where the dissolution data is saved. See Input/Output in Details.,, path.out, file.out

Character strings of input and output directories and file names. See Input/Output in Details.


Character strings indicating regulatory guidelines. See Regulation in Details.


Logical. If TRUE, CV rule will be checked according to regulatory guidelines. See Regulation in Details.


Logical. If TRUE, the results and messages will be printed on screen. Users are recommended to set it to TRUE.


An integer indicating the minimum time points to be used to calculate f2f_2. The default value 3 should be used for conventional f2f_2 calculation. This parameter is mainly used for bootstrap f2f_2 method. See Regulation in Details. @seealso bootf2().


Character strings indicating which f2f_2 estimators should be calculated. For conventional f2f_2 calculation, the default "est.f2" should be used. Other estimators are mainly for the bootstrap method. @seealso bootf2().


Logical. If TRUE, and if regulation = "FDA", all measurements up to the time points at which both test and reference products dissolve more than 85% will be used to calculate f2f_2. This is the conventional, but incorrect, interpretation of the US FDA rule. Therefore, the argument should only be set to TRUE for validation purpose such as comparing the results from old literature that use the wrong interpretation to calculate f2f_2. See Regulation in Details.


An integer indicating the decimal points for the output.


Character strings indicating the unit of time. It should be either "min" for minute or "h" for hour. It is mainly used for checking CV rules and making plot. See Regulation in Details.


Logical. If TRUE, a dissolution versus time plot will be printed.


Numeric value indicating the starting time for the plot.


Integer. If the number of individual units is no more than this value, the mean and all individual profiles will be plotted; otherwise, individual profiles will be represented by boxplots at each time point. Therefore, to avoid overplotting, this value should not be too large. @seealso calcf2().


Minimum required arguments that must be provided by the user

Arguments test and ref must be provided by the user. They should be R ⁠data frames⁠, with time as the first column, and all individual profiles profiles as the rest columns, or mean profile as the second column if only mean profile is available. The actual names of the columns do not matter since they will be renamed internally.


The dissolution data of test and reference product can either be provided as data frames for test and ref, as explained above, or be read from an Excel file with data of test and reference stored in separate worksheets. In the latter case, the argument, the directory where the Excel file is, and, the name of the Excel file including the file extension .xls or .xlsx, must be provided. In such case, the argument test and ref must be the names of the worksheets in quotation marks. The first column of each Excel worksheet must be time, and the rest columns are individual dissolution profiles, or the second column must be mean profile if only mean data is available. The first row should be column names, such as time, unit01, unit02, ... The actual names of the columns do not matter as they will be renamed internally.

Arguments path.out and file.out are the names of the output directory and file. It is an overkill to output such simple calculations; therefore, unless these two arguments are specified by the user, results are printed on screen by default.


To apply f2f_2 method, different regulatory guidelines have slightly different requirements. Some requirements are almost universal, such as same time points for the test and reference product, minimum 3 time points (excluding time zero), and twelve individual profiles for each formulation. Other requirements are slightly different among different regulatory guidelines, or at least interpreted differently. Two main issues are the rules for the variability (CV Rule) and time points where dissolution is more than 85% (85% Rule).

CV rule
  • EMA, Canada, and ANVISA: The CV of the first time point should not be greater than 20%, and the CV of the rest time points should not be greater than 10%.

  • WHO: The CV should not be greater than 20% for time points up to 10 min, and not greater than 10% for the rest time points.

  • FDA: US FDA is more flexible. The CV for the early time points should not be greater than 20%, and for the rest time points, not greater than 10%.

The phrase the first time point in EMA rule was later interpreted as all time points up to 10 min, according to an unofficial communication with an European regulator. This makes the EMA rule the same as WHO rule. For example, if there are 5 min and 10 min time points in the dissolution profiles, the CV for both 5 min and 10 min should not be greater than 20%.

The first time point in ANVISA rule corresponds to 40% of the total collected points. For example, for a dissolution profile with five collection times, the first two collection times are considered first points.

The phrase early time points in FDA rule is typically interpreted as those points up to 15 min, sometimes even up to 20 min according to an unofficial communication with FDA staff. In the function calcf2(), the cutting point for FDA rule is 15 min.

85% Rule

This rule is implemented as follows:

  • EMA, FDA, Canada, and ANVISA: Only one measurement is considered after 85% of dissolution for any product.

  • WHO: Dissolution profiles should be 'cut' at the time point where the reference release more than 85%. Therefore, WHO rule only differs from rule of EMA, FDA, Canada, and ANVISA when test product dissolve faster than reference. If reference product dissolve faster, then rules of all five regulatory bodies are same in this regard.

Notes on conventional FDA rule

The exact phrase in the guidance of US FDA regarding this rule is that "Only one measurement should be considered after 85% dissolution of both the products." Due to the ambiguous word "both" used in the sentence, the conventional interpretation was that all measurements up to the time point at which both test and reference dissolved more than 85% should be included in the calculation of f2f_2. However, this is only true when both test and reference dissolve more than 85% at the same time points.

Consider the following example:

time test reference
5 7 10
10 15 20
15 50 55
20 69 86
30 82 90
45 84 95
60 86 97

According to conventional interpretation, all measurements up to 60 min should be included to calculate f2f_2 because both test and reference dissolved more than 85% only at 60 min, not at any earlier time point. However, in such case, there would be 4 measurement of reference (20, 30, 45, and 60 min) included in the calculation, which would be a direct contradictory to the phrase "Only one measurement should be considered after 85% ..." in the same statement in the guidance!

In an unofficial communication using this example, an FDA staff confirmed that only the first 4 time points (up to 20 min) would be used. In other words, FDA rule in this regard is the same as EMA rule.

The statement in ANVISA guideline also uses the word "ambos" (means both), which could also lead to the similar confusion. Follow the same logic as demonstrated above, it should also be interpreted as the same rule in EMA guideline.

Read vignette Introduction to bootf2 for more details.


A data frame of f2f_2 type and f2f_2 value, the number of time points used for the calculation (, indication if both test and reference dissolve more than 85% at 15 min (d85at15), and other information used for the calculation.


tp <- c(5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60)

mod.par.t <- list(fmax = 100, = 2, tlag = 0, = 0,
                  mdt = 20, = 5, beta = 2.2, = 5)

d.t <- sim.dp(tp, model.par = mod.par.t, seed = 100, n.units = 120L,
              plot = FALSE)$sim.disso

mod.par.r <- list(fmax = 100, = 2, tlag = 0, = 0,
                  mdt = 25, = 4, beta = 2.1, = 3)

d.r <- sim.dp(tp, model.par = mod.par.r, seed = 100, n.units = 120L,
              plot = FALSE)$sim.disso

# set `message = TRUE` to view the compliance of the regulatory guidelines.
calcf2(d.t, d.r, plot = FALSE)

Helper Functions


Helper Functions





mod.ref(tp, ref.dp, digits = 4, model, max.disso, time.unit), btsum,

rpt.f2(f2type, f2o,, a.jack, btsum)

rpt.concise(,, f2o, a.jack, btsum)

rpt.detailed(data.t, data.r, boot.t, boot.r, boot.f2,, f2o)

rpt.intermediate(, boot.f2)

rpt.screen(,, f2o, a.jack, btsum)



Numeric vector

A data frame of bootstrap information from bootf2 function.

tp, ref.dp

Numeric vector of time points tp and their corresponding mean dissolution profiles ref.dp.


An integer indicating the decimal points for the output.


Strings of model names. Currently only 'Weibull' and 'first-order' models are supported.


Numeric value indicating the maximum dissolution.


Character strings indicating the unit of time. It should be either "min" for minute or "h" for hour. It is mainly used for checking CV rules and making plot. @seealso calcf2().


Character strings indicating the f2 type.


A data frame of descriptive statistics of the bootstrap data set.


Vector of f2 values calculated with the original data set


Data frame of acceleration from jackf2 function

Matrix of f2 values from bootstrap data sets

data.t, data.r

Input data sets for test and reference.

boot.t, boot.r

List of bootstrap data sets for test and reference.


Matrix of f2 calculated from bootstrap data sets.

Dissolution data from the article of Shah et al 1998


Dissolution data of reference and 5 batches of test products published in the article of Shah et al, Pharm. Res.1998, 15(6), 889–896.




A list of 6 data frames. Each data frame is a set of dissolution profiles with the format: the first column is time, the rest columns are individual profiles.


dissolution of reference batch


dissolution of test batch 1


dissolution of test batch 2


dissolution of test batch 3


dissolution of test batch 4


dissolution of test batch 5


Shah VP, Tsong Y, Sathe P, Liu JP. In vitro dissolution profile comparison–statistics and analysis of the similarity factor, f2. Pharm Res. 1998 Jun;15(6):889-96. doi: 10.1023/a:1011976615750.

Simulate Dissolution Profiles


Function to simulate dissolution profiles based on mathematical models or multivariate normal distribution.


sim.dp(tp, dp,, model = c("Weibull", "first-order"),
       model.par = NULL, seed = NULL, n.units = 12L, product,
       max.disso = 100, ascending = FALSE, message = FALSE,
       time.unit = c("min", "h"), plot = TRUE,
       plot.max.unit = 36L, empirical = TRUE, cv.tol = 1e-6)



Numeric vector of time points for the dissolution profiles. See Details.


Numeric vectors of the target mean dissolution profile (dp) and its respective CV at time points tp ( See Details.


Character strings of model names. Currently only "Weibull" and "first-order" models are supported.


A list with model parameters. If missing, a list of random model.par will be generated. See Details.


Integer seed value for reproducibility. If missing, a random seed will be generated for reproducibility purpose.


An integer indicating the number of individual profiles to be simulated.


Character strings indicating the product name of the simulated profiles. If missing, a random name with 3 letters and 4 digits will be generated.


Numeric value for the maximum possible dissolution. In theory, the maximum dissolution is 100%, but in practice, it is not uncommon to see higher values, such as 105%, or much lower values, especially for products with low solubility.


Logical. If TRUE, simulated profiles will always increase with time. Only applicable when the approach based on multivariate normal distribution is used. See Details.


Logical. If TRUE, basic information of the simulation will be printed on screen.


Character strings indicating the unit of time. It should be either "min" for minute or "h" for hour. It is mainly used for and making plot and generating model.par and when they are not provided by the user. @seealso calcf2().


Logical. If TRUE, a a dissolution versus time plot will be included in the output.


Integer. If the number of individual units is no more than this value, the mean and all individual profiles will be plotted; otherwise, individual profiles will be represented by boxplots at each time point. Therefore, to avoid overplotting, this value should not be too large. @seealso calcf2().


Logical. If TRUE, mean and CV in the simulated data will be the same as defined in the function.


Numeric value for CV tolerance.


Simulation approaches

The approach used to simulate individual dissolution profiles depends on if the target mean dissolution profile dp is provided by the user or not.

  • If dp is not provided, then it will be calculated using tp, model, and model.par. The parameters defined by model.par are considered as the population parameter; consequently, the calculated dp is considered as the targeted population profile. In addition, n.units sets of individual model parameters will be simulated based on exponential error model, and individual dissolution profiles will be generated using those individual parameters. The mean of all simulated individual profiles, sim.mean, included in one of the outputs data frames, sim.summary, will be similar, but not identical, to dp. The difference between sim.mean and dp is determined by the number of units and the variability of the model parameters. In general, the larger the number of units and the lower of the variability, the smaller the difference. Additional details on the mathematical models are given below.

  • If dp is provided, then n.units of individual dissolution profiles will be simulated using multivariate normal distribution. The mean of all simulated individual profiles, sim.mean, will be identical to dp. In such case, it is recommended that, the CV at time points tp, should also be provided by the user. If is not provided, it will be generated automatically such that the CV is between 10% and 20% for time points up to 10 min, between 1% and 3% for time points where the dissolution is more than 95%, between 3% and 5% for time points where the dissolution is between 90% and 95%, and between 5% and 10% for the rest of time points. Whether the is provided or generated automatically, the CV calculated using all individual profiles will be equal to Additional details on this approach are given below.

Minimum required arguments that must be provided by the user

If dp is provided by the user, logically, tp must also be provided, and the approach based on multivariate normal distribution is used, as explained above. If dp is not provided, tp could be missing, i.e., a simple function call such as sim.dp() will simulate dissolution profiles. In such case, a default tp will be generated depending on the time.unit: if the time.unit is "min", then tp would be c(5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60); otherwise the tp would be c(1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12). The rest arguments are either optional, or required by the function but default values will be used.

Notes on mathematical models

The first-order model is expressed as

ft=fmax(1ek(ttlag)),f_t = f_\mathrm{max} \left(1 - % e^{-k\left(t - t_\mathrm{lag}\right)}\right),

and the Weibull model was expressed either as

ft=fmax(1e(ttlagMDT)β)f_t = f_\mathrm{max} \left(1 - % e^{-\left(\frac{t - t_\mathrm{lag}}{\mathrm{MDT}}% \right)^\beta}\right)


ft=fmax(1e(ttlag)βα)f_t = f_\mathrm{max} \left(1 - % e^{-\frac{(t - t_\mathrm{lag})^\beta}{\alpha}}\right)

where fmaxf_\mathrm{max} is the maximum dissolution, MDT\mathrm{MDT} is the mean dissolution time, tlagt_\mathrm{lag} is the lag time, α\alpha and β\beta are the scale and shape factor in Weibull function, and kk is the rate constant in the first-order model. Obviously, The two Weibull models are mathematically equivalent by letting α=MDTβ\alpha = \mathrm{MDT}^\beta.

Individual model parameter were simulated according to the exponential error model

Pi=PμeN(0,σ2)P_i = P_\mu e^{N\left(0, \sigma^2\right)}

where PiP_i and PμP_\mu denote the individual and population model parameters; N(0,σ2)N\left(0, \sigma^2\right) represents the normal distribution with mean zero and variance σ2\sigma^2 (σ=CV/100\sigma = \mathrm{CV}/100).

How to supply model.par

The argument model.par should be supplied as a named list of model parameters as explained above, and their respective CV for simulation of individual parameters. Therefore, for the first-order model, three pairs of parameters should be specified: fmax/, k/, and tlag/; and for Weibull model, four pairs: fmax/, tlag/, beta/, and either alpha/ or mdt/, depending on the mathematical formula used. CV should be given in percentage, e.g., if CV for beta is 30%, it should be specified as = 30, not = 0.3. The order of the parameters does not matter, but the name of the parameters must be given exactly same as described above. For example:

  • model.par = list(fmax = 100, = 5, k = 0.6, = 25, tlag = 0, = 0) for the first-order model.

  • model.par = list(fmax = 100, = 5, tlag = 5, = 10, mdt = 15, = 20, beta = 1.5, = 5), or

  • model.par = list(fmax = 100, = 5, tlag = 5, = 10, alpha = 60, = 20, beta = 1.5, = 5) for Weibull models.

Notes on multivariate normal distribution approach

When this approach is used, depending on dp/, there is no guarantee that all individual profiles increase with time; near the end of the time points, some individual profiles may decrease, especially when the dissolution is close to the plateau and the variability is high. This can happen to real life data, especially for those products with drug substances that are unstable in dissolution medium. To force increase for all profiles, set ascending = TRUE. Depending on the data, the program may take long time to run, or may even fail.


A list of 3 to 5 components:

  • sim.summary: A data frame with summary statistics of all individual dissolution profiles.

  • sim.disso: A data frame with all individual dissolution profiles.

  • A data frame with information of the simulation such as the seed number and number of individual profiles. If modelling approach is used, the data frame will contain model parameters as well.

  • model.par.ind: A data frame of all individual model parameters that were used for the simulation of individual dissolution profiles. Available only if the modelling approach is used, i.e., when dp is missing.

  • sim.dp: A plot. Available only if the argument plot is TRUE.


# time points
tp <- c(5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60)

# using all default values to simulate profiles
d1 <- sim.dp(tp, plot = FALSE)

# summary statistics

# individual profiles

# simulation information

#individual model parameters

# using Weibull model to simulate 100 profiles without lag time
mod.par <- list(fmax = 100, = 2, tlag = 0, = 0,
                mdt = 20, = 5, beta = 2.2, = 5)
d2 <- sim.dp(tp, model.par = mod.par, seed = 100, n.units = 100L,
             plot = FALSE)

# using multivariate normal distribution approach
# target mean profile with same length as tp
dp <- c(39, 56, 67, 74, 83, 90, 94)

# CV% at each time point <- c(19, 15, 10, 8, 8, 5, 3)

# simulation
d3 <- sim.dp(tp, dp = dp, =, seed = 1234, plot = FALSE)

Simulate Dissolution Profiles by f2f_2 Values


Given any mean dissolution profile dp, this function will simulate a mean dissolution profile such that when the newly simulated profile is compared to dp, the calculated f2f_2 will be equal to the predefined target f2f_2 value.


sim.dp.byf2(tp, dp, target.f2, seed = NULL, min.points = 3L,
            regulation = c("EMA", "FDA", "WHO", "Canada", "ANVISA"),
            model = c("Weibull", "first-order"), digits = 2L,
            max.disso = 100, message = FALSE, both.TR.85 = FALSE,
            time.unit = c("min", "h"), plot = TRUE, sim.dp.out,
   = c("ref.pop", "ref.median", "ref.mean"),
   = 50, = 0, random.factor = 3)


tp, dp

Numeric vector of time points tp and the mean dissolution profiles dp.


Numeric value of target f2f_2. It can be a single value, or a vector of two values that represent the lower and upper limit of target f2f_2 value. See Details.


Integer seed value for reproducibility. If missing, a random seed will be generated for reproducibility purpose.


An integer indicating the minimum time points to be used to calculate f2f_2. The default value 3 should be used for conventional f2f_2 calculation. See Details. @seealso calcf2().


Character strings indicating regulatory guidelines. @seealso calcf2() for the discussion of those guidelines.


Character strings of model names. Currently only "Weibull" and "first-order" models are supported. @seealso sim.dp() for the description of models.


An integer indicating the decimal points for the output.


Numeric value for the maximum possible dissolution. In theory, the maximum dissolution is 100%, but in practice, it is not uncommon to see higher values, such as 105%, or much lower values, especially for products with low solubility.


Logical. If TRUE, basic information of the simulation will be printed on screen.


Logical. If TRUE, and if regulation = "FDA", all measurements up to the time points at which both test and reference products dissolve more than 85% will be used to calculate f2f_2. This is the conventional, but incorrect, interpretation of the US FDA rule. Therefore, the argument should only be set to TRUE for validation purpose such as comparing the results from old literature that use the wrong interpretation to calculate f2f_2. @seealso calcf2() for detailed discussion.


Character strings indicating the unit of time. It should be either "min" for minute or "h" for hour. It is mainly used for checking CV rules and making plot. See Regulation in Details. @seealso calcf2().


Logical. If TRUE, a a dissolution versus time plot will be included in the output.


Output of function sim.dp(). If this argument is supplied by the user, then tp/dp, regulation, model, max.disso, and time.unit will be ignored, if they are provided by the user, since all those arguments are included in sim.dp.out.

Character strings indicating to which target profile should the newly simulated profile be compared for the calculation of f2f_2. This argument is only applicable when sim.dp.out is provided. See Details.,

Numeric values expressed as percentages used for random generation of model parameters and fmax when optimization algorithm is not used, i.e., when target.f2 is a vector of two numbers. See Details.


Numeric value used for random generation of model parameters when optimization algorithm is used, i.e., when target.f2 is a single number. See Details.


The main principle of the function is as follows:

  1. For any given mean dissolution profile dp, fit a suitable mathematical model and obtain model parameters.

    • No precise fitting is required since those parameters will be served as initial value for further model fitting.

    • If sim.dp.out, the output of the function sim.dp(), is available, no initial fitting is necessary as model parameters can be read directly from the output, unless multivariate normal distribution approach was used in sim.dp(). In such case, initial model fitting will be done.

  2. Find a suitable model parameters and simulate a new dissolution profile, comparing the new profile to the provided reference profile dp by calculating f2f_2. If the the obtained f2f_2 is equal to, or within the lower and upper limit of, the target.f2, then the function will output the obtained model parameters and the new profile.

There are two approaches used to find the suitable model parameters:

  • If target.f2 is a single value, optimization algorithm will be used and the newly simulated dissolution profile will have f2f_2 equal to target.f2 when compared to dp (within numeric precision defined by the tolerance).

  • If target.f2 is a vector of two numbers representing the lower and upper limit of target f2f_2 value, such as target.f2 = c(lower, upper), then dissolution will be obtained by random searching and the calculated f2f_2 will be within the range of lower and upper.

For example, you can set target.f2 = c(54.95, 55.04) to have target f2f_2 of 55. Since f2f_2 should be normally reported without decimal, in practice, this precision is enough. You might be able to do with c(54.99, 55.01) if you really need more precision. However, the narrower the range, the longer it takes the function to run. With narrow range such as c(54.999, 55.001), it is likely the program will fail. In such case, provide single value to use optimization algorithm.

Arguments,, and random.factor are certain numeric values used to better control the random generation of model parameters. The default values should work in most scenarios. Those values should be changed only when the function failed to return any value. Read vignette of the function (vignette("sim.dp.byf2", package = "bootf2")) for more details.

The data frame sim.summary in sim.dp.out, the output of function sim.dp(), contains dp, the population profile, and sim.mean and sim.median, the mean and median profiles calculated with n.units of simulated individual profiles. All these three profiles could be used as the target profile that the newly simulated profile will be compare to. Argument defines which of the three will be used: ref.pop, ref.mean, and ref.median correspond to dp, sim.mean and sim.median, respectively.


A list of 2 components: a data frame of model parameters and a data frame of mean dissolution profile generated using the said model parameters. The output can be passed to function sim.dp() to further simulate multiple individual profiles.


tp <- c(5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60)

mod.par.r <- list(fmax = 100, = 2, tlag = 0, = 0,
                  mdt = 25, = 4, beta = 2.1, = 3)

d.r <- sim.dp(tp, model.par = mod.par.r, seed = 100, n.units = 120L,
              plot = FALSE)

model.par1 <- sim.dp.byf2(sim.dp.out = d.r, target.f2 = 60, seed = 123)
model.par2 <- sim.dp.byf2(sim.dp.out = d.r, target.f2 = c(59.95, 60.04),
                          seed = 123)